
Acidity Problems? 14 Home Remedies That Can Help

Acidity Problems

Acidity is a frequent digestive problem that can cause discomfort and home remedies help to eliminate it. It doesn’t matter if it’s caused by spicy foods or stress, as well as other reasons. Obtaining the relief from acidity has become a top priority for many. Although over-the-counter remedies are accessible, many prefer alternative treatments to ease the symptoms. In this blog, we’ll explore 14 natural home remedies utilized for years to treat acidity, providing possible relief without needing medication intervention.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Despite its acidic nature, apple cider vinegar is believed to have alkalizing effects on the body. Mix one tablespoon of raw, non-filtered apple cider vinegar into a glass of water and consume it before meals to maintain your stomach.


Ginger is known as a natural anti-inflammatory. Ginger can ease digestion. You can make ginger tea by infusing freshly cut ginger in boiling water. Or chew a small amount of ginger to relieve acidity symptoms.

Baking Soda:

Baking soda is included in home remedies and also natural antacid that neutralizes stomach acid and relieves heartburn. Take half a teaspoon of baking soda into the water in a glass and drink it regularly; however, avoid overuse due to its sodium amount.

Aloe Vera Juice:

Aloe Vera juice cools, easing the esophagus and reducing stomach lining inflammation. Take a small amount of aloe juice (about 14 cups) before meals to keep acidity at bay.


Bananas contain a lot of potassium. In potassium, it can aid in neutralizing stomach acid. In addition, bananas’ natural anti-inflammatory properties could help quickly relieve heartburn. Take a ripe banana as an afternoon snack or incorporate it into breakfast.

Chamomile Tea:

Chamomile tea is renowned home remedy for its soothing effects on stomachs and can reduce the symptoms of acidity. Make the tea and sip slowly to alleviate discomfort and aid digestion.

Fennel Seeds Home Remedies

Fennel seeds contain compounds that ease the digestive tract muscles, helping to prevent acid reflux. Enjoy a teaspoon of fennel seeds before meals, or make tea with fennel by steeping the ground seeds in hot water.

DGL supplementation:

Licorice Root Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) supplementation or tea made from Licorice helps coat the stomach lining and helps reduce stomach acidity. However, you should consult a medical professional before using Licorice to treat any condition, particularly kidney or blood pressure issues.

Mint Leaves:

Home remedies also compromise of Mint Leaves. They provide cooling properties that help reduce symptoms of acidity. Take a bite of fresh mint leaves or make mint tea to ease stomachs and acid reflux.

Coconut water:

Coconut water can be alkalizing and hydrating, making it an excellent natural treatment for acidity. Consume coconut water in its fresh form to neutralize stomach acid and reduce heartburn.


Cinnamon has long been extensively used to help digestion and ease digestive problems. Sprinkle cinnamon powder over your food or drink, or make cinnamon tea to relieve acidity-related symptoms.

Vegetable Juice:

Vegetables contain large amount of nutrients and an essential part of home remedies. Freshly squeezed vegetable juices, especially those made from cucumbers, carrots, and beets, can aid in controlling acidity in the stomach and help improve digestion. Take one glass of juice every day to maintain a healthy digestive system.

Acidity Problems
Acidity Problems


Almonds are alkaline-forming nuts that can neutralize stomach acid. Eat a handful of almonds before meals and soak them overnight to take them in the morning to reap the maximum benefits.


Probiotics, found in fermented food items such as yogurt, kefir, and kimchi, can help promote an optimal balance of gut bacteria. They also aid digestion. Include probiotic-rich food items regularly to decrease acidity and boost overall gastrointestinal health.


Acidity can be a nagging problem, but relief could be much closer than you think—these 14 natural home remedies. In addition to apple cider vinegar and probiotic-rich food, there are many ways to relieve acidity symptoms. But, it’s crucial to be aware that what is effective for one person might not be the best for someone else, so it might require some trial and error to discover the most effective treatment for you. Suppose symptoms of acidity persist or become worse. In that case, it is essential to speak with a doctor to determine if there are any other underlying ailments and ensure appropriate treatment. When you incorporate these remedies into your routine, you can proactively manage acidity and encourage digestive health.

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